A dedicated space to immerse in pure sound and vibration.
The SOUND BATH BOOTH is a full-body experience that elevates any sound therapy to a new level whether in your home, business or institution.
Whether rebalancing after an intense meeting, revving up before a presentation, or getting focused for an exam, the SOUND BATH BOOTH delivers clear audio in a solitary setting to achieve the results you desire.
An immediate getaway for a frazzled mind.
Mental Clarity
Everything is energy and vibrates at its own frequency. Environmental noise, stress, and negative emotions can put us in a state of chaos. Therapeutic sounds are a natural way to bring the body back into harmony.
A natural way to combat stress, anxiety, pain and sleeplessness.
Physical Wellbeing
When struggling with depression, trauma and grief, it can be difficult to regain emotional balance. The SOUND BATH BOOTH provides a safe space where sound and vibration can move through the body to release emotional blocks.
A safe, private space to release emotions.
Balanced Emotions
Whether trying to achieve a state of bliss or simply get grounded for meditation, the SOUND BATH BOOTH delivers an accurate reproduction of frequencies and sound isolation to help you get centered and focused.
A quiet, solitary space to get into a deep mindful state.
Higher Connection

Using industry-leading technology to provide a true “sound bath” experience.
The SOUND BATH BOOTH provides pristine sound and noise isolation to create a perfect space to have a full-body experience with the sound therapy you choose.